‘My karaoke song? Pure & Simple by Hear’Say, because I wrote it!’: Betty Boo’s honest playlist

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The pop star practised rapping to Run-DMC and gets a thrill when she hears Teenage Kicks – but which Depeche Mode song makes her shudder?

The first song I remember hearing
My dad would constantly play Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley, because he played the guitar. So my fascination with music started with rock’n’roll.

The first single I bought
I would go down to WH Smith at Hammersmith to buy all my stationery for school. I had a little bit more pocket money one week and I bought Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough by Michael Jackson. My dad was a train driver on the Central line, and that same week, he found a 45 single of Pop Muzik by M in an Our Price bag. So I got two records for the price of one.

The song I do at karaoke
Pure & Simple by Hear’Say, because I wrote it, so I know it really well. It’s a great sing-along track because everyone knows the chorus, so I sing it at festivals for a bit of fun.

The song I inexplicably know every lyric to
I used to practise rapping to Sucker MCs by Run-DMC, because the timing is very clear with a strict backbeat, as a little test to see if I could rap or not.

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